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Frequently Asked
Gibson/Oberheim Echoplex Questions

Version 10
September, 2002

Originally conceived and compiled by Andre LaFosse, from posts made to the Looper's Delight Mailing list. The Echoplex FAQ is currently maintained by me, Kim Flint, out of various questions/answers I've given people over the past few years. The Echoplex FAQ also serves as a means of hopefully reducing the amount of email I get!

Please note that Gibson does indeed have a technical support line, and this is just something I do to help folks in my spare time. If you can't find the answer you are looking for here, try contacting Gibson for help. Their customer support email is service@gibson.com. The phone number is 1-800-444-2766. I'd love to be able to help every person who sends me echoplex questions, but I'm just too busy for it. If you send me mail I will try to answer it eventually, but you could be in for a long wait! Gibson will usually reply much faster than I will. Thanks for understanding.
- kim

(Also check the Echoplex Footpedal Tutorial for all kinds of additional footpedal info.)


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